Thursday, September 15, 2011

The small dot to the right of my finger is an ant. Ants represent Commensalism because the benefit from their relationship with humans but humans are nether harmed nor benefitted. The ants are benefited because they get a food resource from the food and crumbs people leave behind.
Acid Rain
When various events in the environment cause the acidification of water, it eventually gets distributed as rain. The change in the Ph of the rain contributed to the rusting of this metal.

In this particular patch of woods I counted three different species of trees. Because there is a variety of multiple trees living in this area there is biodiversity.
Secondary succession
This photo was taken after hurricane Irene so if one were to assume that the tree had been destroyed by the storm, that would make it secondary succession because the altering of the area through destruction occurred in a location where soil is present.
Climax community
This community of trees represents a climax community because the species mix of the forest is dependent on the abiotic factors that are exclusive to this region. Factors fount in the temperate deciduous forest like the one in the photo. (light, temp., rainfall, fertility, and depth of soil)
Exponential growth
These bugs are the ideal type of species for exponential growth. Because they are an R-selective species they can rapidly reproduce. If there was a large amount of available resources the bugs ability to multiply large quantities quickly, would be the ideal situation for exponential growth. 
Type 2 survivorship curve
These birds represent a type 2 survivorship curve because they die independently of age and/or reproductive ability.